To diagnose a possible bacterial infection of the throat (usually Streptococcus pyogenes)
Throat Infection Test
Throat Infection Test
Also Known As
Throat culture
Formal Name
Group A streptococcus
Group A beta haemolytic streptococcus
Streptococcus pyogenes
This article was last reviewed
This article waslast modified
on 14 March 2023.
At a Glance
Why Get Tested?
When To Get Tested?
If you have a sore throat and fever and your doctor thinks it may have a bacterial cause (although most sore throats are caused by viruses and won't require antibiotics)
Sample Required?
The bacteria are tested for by throat culture. Your doctor may use a tongue depressor to hold down your tongue, and then insert a special swab into your mouth and brush it against your throat and tonsils. The swab will be sent to a laboratory, where culture is performed.
Test Preparation Needed?
No test preparation is needed. The test should be performed before antibiotics are prescribed.
Accordion Title
Common Questions
How is it used?
When is it requested?
What does the test result mean?
Is there anything else I should know?
How long does treatment for bacterial infection of the throat usually last?
How long should I stay away from other people if I have a positive test result?
When can my child go back to school?
If one child in my family has sore throat, is everyone going to get sick?
What is an ASO test and how is it used to detect a bacterial infection of the throat?