To determine whether a cancer, usually a breast cancer, is positive for HER-2 gene amplification or protein expression, which helps to guide treatment and determine outcome. HER-2 evaluation is also used in the assessment of some other cancer types including gastric and oesophageal cancer.
HER-2 testing
HER-2 testing
Also Known As
Formal Name
Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2
This article was last reviewed
This article waslast modified
on 31 January 2023.
At a Glance
Why Get Tested?
When To Get Tested?
If you have been diagnosed with a cancer which may be responsive to treatment with HER-2 targeted therapy and your doctor wants to determine whether the HER-2 gene is amplified in the tumour.
Sample Required?
A sample of cancer tissue obtained during a biopsy. Usually this test is done on the biopsy taken for initial diagnosis and a second biopsy is not needed. While HER-2 levels can be assessed in a blood sample, this is not usually done as treatment decisions rely on testing of the cancer cells in biopsy material.
Test Preparation Needed?
No test preparation is needed.
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