Also Known As
Formal Name
Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2
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This article waslast modified on 31 January 2023.
At a Glance
Why Get Tested?

To determine whether a cancer, usually a breast cancer, is positive for HER-2 gene amplification or protein expression, which helps to guide treatment and determine outcome. HER-2 evaluation is also used in the assessment of some other cancer types including gastric and oesophageal cancer.

When To Get Tested?

If you have been diagnosed with a cancer which may be responsive to treatment with HER-2 targeted therapy and your doctor wants to determine whether the HER-2 gene is amplified in the tumour.

Sample Required?

A sample of cancer tissue obtained during a biopsy. Usually this test is done on the biopsy taken for initial diagnosis and a second biopsy is not needed. While HER-2 levels can be assessed in a blood sample, this is not usually done as treatment decisions rely on testing of the cancer cells in biopsy material.

Test Preparation Needed?

No test preparation is needed.

On average it takes 7 working days for the blood test results to come back from the hospital, depending on the exact tests requested. Some specialist test results may take longer, if samples have to be sent to a reference (specialist) laboratory. The X-ray & scan results may take longer. If you are registered to use the online services of your local practice, you may be able to access your results online. Your GP practice will be able to provide specific details.

If the doctor wants to see you about the result(s), you will be offered an appointment. If you are concerned about your test results, you will need to arrange an appointment with your doctor so that all relevant information including age, ethnicity, health history, signs and symptoms, laboratory and other procedures (radiology, endoscopy, etc.), can be considered.

Lab Tests Online-UK is an educational website designed to provide patients and carers with information on laboratory tests used in medical care. We are not a laboratory and are unable to comment on an individual's health and treatment.

Reference ranges are dependent on many factors, including patient age, sex, sample population, and test method, and numeric test results can have different meanings in different laboratories.

For these reasons, you will not find reference ranges for the majority of tests described on this web site. The lab report containing your test results should include the relevant reference range for your test(s). Please consult your doctor or the laboratory that performed the test(s) to obtain the reference range if you do not have the lab report.

For more information on reference ranges, please read Reference Ranges and What They Mean.

What is being tested?

HER-2 is an oncogene present in the nucleus of all cells. It codes for a cell surface receptor of a chemical growth factor. When the growth factor binds to the receptor it becomes activated and this causes the cell to grow. Normal epithelial cells contain two copies of the HER-2 gene and produce low levels of the HER-2 protein. In about 20-30% of invasive breast cancers (and some other cancers, such as gastric, oesophageal, ...

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