To monitor low molecular weight heparin (LWMH) therapy and sometimes to monitor unfractionated heparin (UFH) therapy. LMWH and UFH are blood thinners. LMWHs are usually referred to by their specific drug names, such as dalteparin, enoxaparin or tinzaparin.
Heparin Anti-Xa
When you are being treated with LMWH or UFH and your doctor wants to monitor the amount of heparin activity in your blood. This test is not performed routinely for everyone receiving LMWH therapy.
A blood sample taken from a vein, usually in your arm
No test preparation is needed, although the timing of the test relative to when the drug was administered is important.
How is it used?
Anti-Xa tests are sometimes requested to monitor and adjust unfractionated heparin (UFH) concentrations in the blood, though the primary monitoring tool for UFH is currently the APTT (or ACT for cardiopulmonary bypass). Anti-Xa may be used to monitor some patients who have “heparin resistance” – do not respond as expected to UFH – or who have an underlying condition or interfering factor(s) that alter the APTT and ACT test result.
Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) therapy is usually not monitored, but doctors may request anti-Xa tests in some cases. These include patients who are significantly underweight or overweight, those who have kidney disease and occasionally patients who are pregnant. LMWH is primarily cleared from the body by the kidneys. Any condition that decreases kidney function can potentially decrease LMWH clearance, increasing its concentration in the blood and increasing the potential for excessive bleeding.
When is it requested?
The anti-Xa test is not routinely requested but may be performed whenever a doctor wants to evaluate UFH or LMWH concentrations in the blood.
When it is used as a LMWH monitoring tool, anti-Xa is primarily requested as a “peak” test. It is collected about 3-4 hours after a LMWH dose is given, when the concentration of LMWH in the blood is expected to be at its highest level. Random and “trough” anti-Xa tests may also be requested when a doctor suspects that a patient may not be clearing the LMWH at a normal rate. Trough tests are collected just prior to the next dose, when heparin concentrations are expected to be at their lowest. -
What does the test result mean?
Anti-Xa results must be evaluated in the context of the type of heparin that a person is receiving (UFH or LMWH and type of LMWH), the timing of the sample collection, and the condition that the person is being treated for. Results from different laboratories may not be interchangeable. Therapeutic reference ranges vary. Doctors should inform patients what the therapeutic range being used it,
In general, for UFH and LMWH, if concentrations are within an established therapeutic range and the patient is doing well clinically – not clotting, bleeding excessively, or experiencing other complications – then the dosage is considered appropriate. If the anti-Xa concentration is high, then the patient may be getting an excessive dose and/or not be clearing the drug at an expected rate and may be at an increased risk for excessive bleeding.
If the anti-Xa concentration is below the therapeutic range, then the dosage of heparin may need to be increased. When a person is not taking heparin, anti-Xa concentrations should be zero or undetectable.
Is there anything else I should know?
How long will I have to take heparin?
UFH therapy is usually used for short periods of time to help treat and prevent inappropriate clotting. LMWH can be used for short or long periods. When long-term anticoagulation is required, other oral anticoagulants are commonly used unless LMWH is considered the best option (eg. in pregnancy or sometimes if there is a diagnosis of cancer).
Do I need to tell my other doctors that I am receiving LMWH?