Also Known As
faecal haemoglobin
Formal Name
Faecal Immunochemical Test
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This article waslast modified on 13 December 2024.
At a Glance
Why Get Tested?

To screen for bleeding from the gut/intestine and investigate symptoms suggestive, of bowel cancer 

When To Get Tested?

The test is used to screen for bowel cancer especially as part of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. Outside of the Screening Programme the test is also used for patients presenting to their GP with symptoms suggestive of bowel cancer (NICE guideline DG56 and NG12). Patients will usually be asked to complete a FIT test before being referred for other investigations such as colonoscopy. 

Sample Required?

One sample of faeces collected into a special container.

You collect a sample yourself, in the privacy of your own bathroom, using a special kit. The actual collection method varies between manufacturers. Read all the instructions very carefully before starting to collect your sample.

Test Preparation Needed?

For the FIT test, there are no dietary, drug, or dental procedure restrictions. However, avoid collecting samples during a menstrual period. The test uses antibodies to detect only human blood from the lower digestive tract (colon).
For all tests, follow the instructions that are provided by the doctor or included in the test kit.

On average it takes 7 working days for the blood test results to come back from the hospital, depending on the exact tests requested. Some specialist test results may take longer, if samples have to be sent to a reference (specialist) laboratory. The X-ray & scan results may take longer. If you are registered to use the online services of your local practice, you may be able to access your results online. Your GP practice will be able to provide specific details.

If the doctor wants to see you about the result(s), you will be offered an appointment. If you are concerned about your test results, you will need to arrange an appointment with your doctor so that all relevant information including age, ethnicity, health history, signs and symptoms, laboratory and other procedures (radiology, endoscopy, etc.), can be considered.

Lab Tests Online-UK is an educational website designed to provide patients and carers with information on laboratory tests used in medical care. We are not a laboratory and are unable to comment on an individual's health and treatment.

Reference ranges are dependent on many factors, including patient age, sex, sample population, and test method, and numeric test results can have different meanings in different laboratories.

For these reasons, you will not find reference ranges for the majority of tests described on this web site. The lab report containing your test results should include the relevant reference range for your test(s). Please consult your doctor or the laboratory that performed the test(s) to obtain the reference range if you do not have the lab report.

For more information on reference ranges, please read Reference Ranges and What They Mean.

What is being tested?

The faecal immunological test (FIT) checks for blood in your faeces. 

A positive FIT test will tell your doctor that you have bleeding occurring somewhere in your gastrointestinal tract. This blood loss could be due to ulcers, diverticulitis, bleeding polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, haemorrhoids (piles), from swallowed blood due to bleeding gums or nosebleeds, or it could be due to benign or malignant tumours. Anything that sticks out into the intestine, like a polyp or tumour, and is rubbed against by the faeces as it passes through, has the potential to bleed now and again. Often this small amount of blood is the first, and sometimes the only, symptom of early bowel cancer, making the FIT a valuable screening tool. 

Accordion Title
Common Questions
  • How is it used?

    The main use for the FIT test is to screen and investigate for bowel cancer. Blood in the stool may be the only symptom of early cancer. If the cancer is detected before it metastasises (spreads to other areas), there is a greater chance it can be treated successfully. A positive FIT test does not necessarily 'prove' that you have cancer. There are other possible causes of bleeding and other follow-up procedures will need to be done to find the source of the bleeding. 

  • When is it requested?

    Faecal immunochemical (FIT) tests may be done as part of a range if investigations if your doctor suspects that your symptoms suggest that you may have cancer. This test is also used as a screening tool for early detection of bowel cancer. The FIT test is used in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. This programme offers screening every two years to all men and women aged 54 to 74 in England who are registered with a GP, (51 to 74 years in Wales,60 to 74 years in Northern Ireland and 50 to 74 in Scotland). People within the age range are automatically sent an invitation and test kit. The programme in England is gradually expanding to make it available to everyone aged 50 to 53 years. People aged over 74 can opt in to screening.

  • What does the test result mean?

    Please review your results in line with the cut-off in use within your local laboratory. In a patient with symptoms, a result of greater than or equal to 10 ug/g faeces is a positive result (NICE NG12). A positive result indicates blood in the stool and further investigation is required to identify the source of the bleeding.

  • What kind of procedures might follow a positive faecal occult blood test?

    Before or after you have a FIT test, you may have a rectal examination. A positive FIT test may be followed by imaging tests to determine the source of the blood: 

    • Sigmoidoscopy: an examination of the rectum and lower colon (part of the intestines) with a lighted instrument to look for abnormalities, such as polyps 
    • Colonoscopy: a more thorough examination of the rectum and entire colon 
    • CT colonography: uses computed tomography (CT) scans to check the large bowel (colon) and back passage (rectum). It’s also called a virtual colonoscopy 
  • Should I buy and use self-testing FIT/FOB kits which are available in some Pharmacy stores?

    The devices available to buy detect blood in faeces using several different methods. Their sensitivity to detecting blood can vary and without the skills of either an experienced laboratory or doctor the results of these tests can be misleading. Consult your GP if you are concerned and think you need a test performed.