This article waslast modified on 10 July 2017.
July 14, 2002 – Lab Tests Online has been recognized with an Apex Award of Excellence for Web Site Content and Writing. The Apex Awards program, in its fourteenth year, recognizes excellence in publications work by corporate, nonprofit organizations, and independent organizations.

Winning the award is an acknowledgement of the successful collaboration by AACC, ACLA, ASCLS, ASM, and CLMA, their editorial representatives, the writers and staff editors, and the many association members who have contributed to the writing, review, and refinement of the material on the site. A complete list of everyone who has contributed to the content development is found on the site’s Acknowledgements page.

The award also provides independent confirmation that the site has succeeded in delivering content at the right level for the general public. Nonetheless, in seeking to improve the site over the next year, we expect to add more levels of technical detail to new and revised pages while still keeping the top levels of information clear and concise. This development is a part of the site’s natural evolution and comes in response to requests from users for more detail. It is also in keeping with the findings of a broad international survey on the Internet and healthcare information.